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Ergebnisse 121 - 140 von ungefähr 185
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Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung.
Italienisch Cara signora l’ufficio contratti mi aveva...
Cara signora
l’ufficio contratti mi aveva segnalato più volte il vostro ritardo e avevo tenuto ferma la pratica per correttezza nei suoi confronti .
Le segnalo però che non sarà sufficiente un bonifico di euro in quanto lo stesso copre semplicemente il vostro debito attuale ma non ci permette di emettere altre polizze a favore dei vostri Clienti.
Sono quindi a richiederle di confermarci l’invio di due bonifici entro la settimana altrimenti sarò costretto a dare disposizioni di sospendere l’emissione di nuovi contratti.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Virements urgents pour retard de paiement
Portugiesisch as pessoas querem estar em contacto umas com as...
as pessoas querem estar em contacto umas com as outras e este é um novo meio de o conseguirem,na falta de espaços de encontro.
françês da frança

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch moyen de contact
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Pour toujours à tes côtés
Arabisch للابد بقربك
Portugiesisch Desejo-lhe boa sorte amanhã!
Desejo-lhe boa sorte amanhã!
Francês da França

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Bonne chance
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Spanisch gracias por estar en mi vida bebe
gracias por estar en mi vida bebe
gracias por estar en mi vida bebe

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch merci
Brasilianisches Portugiesisch Quando fiquei só tudo ao meu redor foi perdendo a...
Quando fiquei só tudo ao meu redor foi perdendo a graça pra mim.Claro que sofri. Quase enlouqueci .Nunca me senti assim.Mas depois passou.Eu não quero passar por tudo outra vez para sofrer e chorar mais uma ilusão. Essa falta de amar também já sei de cor, só me resta esperar, que uma paixão volte ao meu coração.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Quand je me suis retrouvée seule...
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Brasilianisches Portugiesisch jà estou com saudades voû é a pessoa mais...
jà estou com saudades voû é a pessoa mais incrivel que eu jà contreci.
Te adoro quero muito ficar contigo!
Sua sempre

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch tienne pour toujours
Hebräisch כל העולם לרגליי
כל העולם לרגליי
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Griechisch 'Ολος ο κόσμος στα πόδια μου
Italienisch mondo
Französisch Le monde entier à mes pieds
Spanisch Todo el mundo a mis pies
Schwedisch Hela världen framför mina fötter.
Portugiesisch Contigo descobri uma série de coisas novas.
Espero que possas entender... contigo descobri uma série de coisas novas... descobri que ser feliz é bem diferente do que eu julgava ser e que um beijo teu faz toda a diferença em mim. As coisas simples são agora muito mais especiais porque são tuas e minhas... e eu adoro-te como já não sabia adorar ninguém à muito tempo!

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch avec toi j'ai découvert beaucoup de nouvelles choses...
Englisch Welcome to Language-Exchange... The aim of our...
Welcome to Language-Exchange...

The aim of our site is to provide you with a good language-learning experience. The concept behind our site is that the more time you put in, the more you will get out. By this system of everyone contributing and everyone gaining, we hope to keep Language-Exchange's services completely free for everybody!

Some of the services we hope to get up and running soon are:

1. Notes - These are just to help you get the basics in the language you are learning.

2. Pen-pals - If you already have a basic knowledge of the language, you can practise by finding an online pen-pal, and practising with him/her by email or instant messaging. As both pen-pals practise their second language, both will benefit.

3. Online classes - We hope to eventually have scheduled online classes which people can sign up for (free of course). Teachers will post notes and members can ask questions.

4. Translations - If you would just like someone to do a translation for you, and you have been a contributing member for long enough, you can get permission to post it in the forum.

You can go to the forum (where all these amazing things are happening) by clicking "here".

Remember, you can help us get more members by recommending us to family and friends!

We are always looking for people to help!

If you would like to contribute as a teacher or translator, please fill out the form below.

This form is only for people who would like to become staff members. To register only as a member please go to our forum. You must be registered on our forum before you can register as a staff member.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Bienvenue sur le site de Language-Exchange...
Englisch Most of them had disastrous encounters with...
Most of them had disastrous encounters with land-grabbing and resourse-stealing colonizers who possessed advanced weapons.
J'ai surtout des doutes quant à la traduction de "disastrous encounters". Faut-il le traduire tout simplement par rencontres désastreuses ou par affrontements fatals ou autre chose...

Dans "Most of them", them est mis pour "traditional cultures"


Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Colonisation
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Brasilianisches Portugiesisch Comentarios maldosos surgem quando o meu sucesso...
Comentarios maldosos surgem somente quando o meu sucesso incomoda.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Commentaires sournois
Englisch Тhings are also steadily hotting up in the US,...
Тhings are also steadily hotting up in the US, where Leona will be launching the album in April. ‘Bleeding Love’ has gone to number one on the major NY radio Z100’s High Noon countdown and it is also at number 9 on the iTunes song chart.
Ce texte a été pris sur un site de leona lewis dont je suis fan mais je ne peux pas comprendre lorsque ses news sont rédigés en anglais

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Ça chauffe aux States
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Italienisch parli con me...
parli con me...

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch parle avec moi...
Englisch Check-in and Check-out
Good morning, sir. How can I help you?
...Six nights, that's from today to XXX, a double-bedded room.
Breakfast is served from XXX to XXX; anyway, this leaflet has all the information about meal times, facilities and room service.
Would you mind signing the registration form, sir?
Thank you very much, sir. Here's your key card. The lift is over there. The porter will take care of your luggage.
Your room should be vacated by XXX, anyway we have a courtesy room for guests who leave in the afternoon.
The bill will be ready in a minute. Have you had anything from the minibar this morning?
Here you're. Here's your receipt, sir.
Could you sign our copy, please?
I hope you've enjoyed your stay, sir.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Spanisch Registro y salida
Französisch Arrivée et départ
Diese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung.
Serbisch ako neces nemoras ali bi volio da znam...
ako neces nemoras ali bi volio da

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Englisch If you don't want to...
Deutsch Wenn du nicht möchtest, ...
Französisch Si tu ne veux pas, tu ne dois pas. Mais j'aimerais savoir...
Spanisch Cadena Lunar : Lo conforman todos los satélites...
Cadena Lunar : Lo conforman todos los satélites de este sistema Solar que formaron parte del pasado Sistema Solar. La Luna, por ejemplo, era un mundo de los varios mundos de la Cadena Lunar.
à traduire en Français de France

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch Chaîne Lunaire
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